Thursday 28 November 2013

Europe and I

Today in class we've been reading and discusing about some aspects of how EU is affecting our every day life:
-EU mobile markers are making universal standar chargers.
-European Union inhabitants win the right to full translstion.
-Electronic and electric equipmetn is no longer made of harmful materials.
- New EU rules shelter children from abuse on the internet or in the world.
-EU has made some changes with the trees that are cut.

One of this interested me a lot:The European Union moves fast to respond to catastrophes like earthquakes, tsunamis....When that happen the EU gives shelter, food, medical asistance and gives all the help it can.The main project that the European Union has helped is in the Haiti earthquake.Here we can see two videos: the first one shows how the earthquake arrived and in the second one how is life for people affected in that natural disaster.

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